Sunday, September 14, 2008

Starting over

I knew one day the klutz that lives inside of me would turn on me. Today was that day. I haven't had a mishap in a while and I've been thinking life has been going ok until I woke up this morning to work on some poetry and I couldn't find the files.
Somehow, in all of my attempts in reinstall iTunes last weekend, I think I accidently deleted my documents.
All of my writing.
All of my undergraduate work.


The funny thing is, it was all on my external harddrive so I wouldn't lose anything and yet, ironically, it wasn't even safe there.

I suppose the good thing in this is that I have a new chance to start over completely. Every writer loses their work at least once.
Only, I'm afraid the rest of my words have gone with it. I can't seem to find anything to write about for my next essay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, this HAS happened to me. Although I must say you are handling it with much more grace than I did.