Sunday, October 26, 2008

Near to You

Just another song I find myself singing these days. I'm so addicted to music right now.

'near to you'
-A Fine Frenzy

he and I had something beautiful
but so dysfunctional, it couldn't last
I loved him so but I let him go
‘cause I knew he'd never love me back

such pain as this
shouldn't have to be experienced
I'm still reeling from the loss,
still a little bit delirious

near to you, I am healing
but it's taking so long
'cause though he's gone and you are wonderful
it's hard to move on
yet, I'm better near to you.

you and I have something different
and I'm enjoying it cautiously
I'm battle scarred,
but I am working oh so hard
to get back to who I used to be

he's disappearing, fading steadily
well, I'm so close to being yours,
won’t you stay with me, please

near to you, I am healing
but it's taking so long
'cause though he's gone
and you are wonderfulit’s hard to move on
yet, I'm better near to you

I only know that
I am better where you are
I only know that
I am better where you are
I only know that I belong
where you are

near to you, I am healing
but it's taking so long
'cause though he's gone
and you are wonderful
it’s hard to move on
yet, I'm better near to you


My attempt at form poetry, a sonnet in particular... forced from the depths of my mind. The rhymes are a little off, but I didn't want them to be cheesy, I just go with the inspiration so I made my own rhyme scheme. And I had a nice inspiring image for this one.

Untitled Sonnet

He poured
the dark liquid into a pint letting it settle
halfway. The rings obscuring light from
how his words hung on the edge
of his lips. I could see how he wanted to utter
I was beautiful. The roughness of his beard shadowed
his strong jaw making those chocolate brown eyes drip in color.
The shyness evident in the hesitancy
of his voice however confidence brewed
like stout and worth drinking.

I wrapped my fingers around
the glass, pulling
it to my lips.

His eyes never left the Guinness, surprised at my attempt.

Thoughts on a Sunday

I want to write so much right now... I have had such an amazing week, God has been so prevalent and so beautiful and I just don't know what to do except praise Him.
I'm trying to wrap my head around everything but to give the short version, I think I've found my heart again. Granted, I'm still healing and it's still going to take time, but God is molding it.

For the first time in awhile I realized that life isn't about me. I've been trying to fix my heart and praying and asking for it to be fixed, but when I let go of it and just do what He wants, which is to give my heart to others; to listen, to carry their burdens, and to love them, my heart heals.

I had this sudden epiphany yesterday for a class project. I actually wasn't going to do the project, I was going to lay back, cop out and do an analytical paper because I didn't want to mess with this huge project... but I think God has laid something on my heart when it comes to a certain group of people.

I'm not for sure how this is all going to work out, so I won't go into details yet, but there is something stirring in my heart and I cannot wait to see what happens.
Between talking with a few friends lately, hearing and giving encouragement, and feeling my heart, I have this sudden vivacity for life again.

-Chris Tomlin
[With Watoto Children's Choir]

When our hope is hard to find
And our faith is in decline
We need a cause to stand behind - love
We all want the way it feels
Time it comes and time it steals
What remains, what is real - love

There is love
There is forgiveness
There is love in times of need
When life is cold there is a promise
You will never go without
There is love...

It heals the sick
Comforts the weak
Breaks the proud
Raises the meek
In this life no guarantees

Love is the answer
Love will find a way
When we love one another
It's a brighter day


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A running epiphany

I've walked the valley of death's shadow
So deep and dark that I could barely breathe
I've had to let go of more than I could bear
And questioned everything that I believe
But still even here
in this great darkness
A comfort and hope come breaking through
As I can say in life or death
God we belong to you
-Stephen Curtis Chapman

I had a good day. My first good day in awhile but nonetheless, a good day. Last night would've found me caved over the bathroom sink, tears streaming down my face and chest heaving. I woke up with puffy eyes and tired, but I woke up. The morning found me alive again and I chose to embrace that.
Life tends to get me down at very, very random moments and it's hard to get back up sometimes. I often feel like my broken heart is never going to heal. As has been spoken of numerous times in my writing. I want to be whole again tomorrow but I know that isn't going to happen soon. It's going to take time, and a lot of time to get past this.
Because I realized today that this is in a sense a death I am grieving over. It isn't just a broken engagement but the death of all my plans and the future life I thought was in store for me. And just like the passing of a loved one, everything I saw for the next however many years has passed on.

I'm sad, I'm hurt, I'm grieving, I'm lost, and I'm broken.

But I still have hope.

And if anything, if I lose even more than I can ever imagine I could lose, even if my emotions and brokenness get worse, I will still have my hope. Because everyday that the morning finds me alive, my heart and my insides are slowly being renewed and molded into something stronger and more beautiful than I can ever imagine. Because that's the glorious destiny my Creator has for me.

I had an epiphany while I was running today. I've been moved around so much this preseason with the other team runners because I'm just a walk-on looking for my place. This week I moved up to run with some of the cross country girls and even though I thought I was a distance runner, this running is hard. I am so exhausted and sore from the miles I've put in in three days. But I've done it. And I keep running.
Today we did a 36 minute fartlek run, (3 minutes hard core, 3 gentler run, 2 hard core, 2 gentler, 1, etc x3) and I couldn't keep up with the other girls. I was always last but I kept running, and they kept telling me good job for keeping up with them, even though I was behind. What I realized was that this is my first week running with them. My first week and here I am not with them, but close and continuing. And as the season progresses, this, running, will get easier.
My mother keeps telling me that as I go through my days my heart will heal. It will get easier to handle and someday I will accept what has happened and be able to embrace life again. For the first time I understood the concept that God will heal me. That He already is healing me, even if it isn't how I want to be healed. He is renewing me in His time continually giving me strength and grace through his pacing. Once again life is just like running. I have very hard days and my hearts hurts, but each time it gets a little less painful. This, life, will get easier.

And because of that I will continue to run with hope.

Therefore we do not lose heart.  Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet
inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
2 Corinthians 4:16

Monday, October 20, 2008


It's earlier than normal for me to be up but I'm writing a paper... I've found I write so much better in the mornings than at night. However, I got to thinking and I've decided that I would still write much better if I was curled up in a big chair on the back porch of my house overlooking a lake with the mountains in the background.

I'm pretty sure that's where I'm going to end up someday. That's my writer's paradise.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Among the Ruins

The absence of my functioning heart leaves me breathless, vomiting, and in ruins. The odd mixture of pain feels quite fitting as I look out over the River Boyne in County Meath, Ireland. On top of the Keep, I cannot get over the view that pans before my eyes—rolling hills in various shades of green, with stone walls slowly flowing in the distance. It sounds cliché but the postcard image exists before me and underneath me.
How I find beauty despite the anguish I do not know.
The rain from the morning finished when we ambled off the bus as if it had foreshadowed our tour of the castle. Now looking out I see vegetation more luscious in color than I’ll ever see at home in America. The green somehow emanating more deeply in color with every piece of foliage and upon every hill. Tranquility and stillness.
When I close my eyes I feel the breeze whisper across my cheeks, the smell of sheep and soil suddenly invading my nostrils. I gag slightly, but nothing compared to the morning I spent over the toilet. How ironic that filth would invade such a moment.
Opening my eyes I focus on more ruins in the distance. Pieces of once grand structures, their strong walls now suitable as piles of stones. I have a sudden feeling of fear when I glance out over the edge realizing how high I am, and in looking at the edifices reduced to ruins, the sudden onset of chest pain and breathlessness returns.

۩ ۩ ۩

The word ruins describe the remains of man-made architecture: structures that were once complete but which have fallen into a state of partial or complete disrepair due to lack of maintenance or deliberate acts of destruction. Many ruins often become progressively neglected over time due to long-term weather and scavenging.
Trim Castle, located 28 miles northwest of Dublin in County Meath along the banks of the River Boyne, is one of the largest and most beautiful Anglo-Norman castle ruins in Ireland. It has the reputation as being the king of all Irish castles and was built to display the great wealth and dominance of its owners.
However, over time it was purposely allowed to deteriorate, falling into ruins.
During the 16th century the castle was abandoned by Oliver Cromwell’s Army and allowed to depreciate. Over the next few hundred years its ownership passed from hand to hand never having as much purpose as it did originally. At one point it became the site for a municipal dump.
When beautiful things are neglected, they become trashed.
In 1993, Trim Castle estate was sold back to the country of Ireland and the Office of Public Works began a major program of conservation and exploratory works trying to restore the grand castle without changing the history and construction of it.
It’s hard rebuilding from the ground up.

I’ve been afraid of heights in my lifetime. I’ve been afraid of spiders. I’ve been afraid of snakes and public speaking. I’ve been afraid of flying and of the dark, but I’ve never been afraid of death. There has never been any reason to be scared of something so certain. What has pained me the most in this short brevity of life has been the idea of my heart shattered. Of it being broken into thousands of hopeless, inadequate pieces. Because once my heart has metaphorically faded, what will keep the rest of me from ruins?

“With what a deep devotedness of woe
I wept thy absence - o'er and o'er again
Thinking of thee, still thee, till thought grew pain,
And memory, like a drop that, night and day,
Falls cold and ceaseless, wore my heart away!”
-Thomas Moore

Now, what I fear the most is living and simply feeling nothing.

Most people with broken hearts experience symptoms manifesting through psychological pain, claiming to feel nothing; however, there are such symptoms of physical effects:

· Stomach ache and/or loss of appetite
· Partial or complete insomnia
· Anger
· Shock
· Nostalgia
· Apathy
· Loneliness
· Hopelessness
· Denial
· Fatigue
· The thousand-yard stare
· Frequent crying
· A feeling of complete emptiness
· A perceived tightness of the chest, similar to an anxiety attack

However, the experience of great suffering and emotional pain is commonly regarded as indescribable, though a broken heart may occur.

۩ ۩ ۩

Stress cardiomyopathy is the sudden, temporary weakening of the myocardium, the muscle of the heart. Triggered by something very unexpected, such as the death of a loved one, this syndrome can actually be fatal. Clinically different from a heart attack, stress cardiomyopathy is known as ‘broken heart syndrome’ because to ordinary eyes, it seems as if people die from what appears to simply be a broken heart.
Most onsets of stress cardiomyopathy begin like a regular heart attack—the sudden onset of congestive heart failure or chest pain associated with EKG changes suggestive of an anterior wall heart attack. But what really happens with stress cardiomyopathy is that some people respond to abrupt, overwhelming emotional stress by releasing large amounts of catecholamines (specifically adrenalin and noradrenalin, also called epinephrine and norepinephrine) into the blood stream, along with their breakdown products and small proteins produced by an excited nervous system. These chemicals can be temporarily toxic to the heart, effectively stunning the muscle thus producing symptoms similar to a typical heart attack, including chest pain, fluid in the lungs, shortness of breath and heart failure.

In general, the lack of maintenance in life, or sometimes those deliberate acts of destruction force hearts into a ruin-like state.

“I kneel before you not as a prince, but as a man in love... But I would feel like a king if you, Danielle De Barbarac, would be my wife.”
Ever After

Though castles clearly exist and royalty once claimed them, there is no such hope for a happily-ever-after. The moment when he kneeled before me and took my hand remains in the back of my heart and replays itself over and over again in one of the tiny pieces that somehow continue to pump me with life. In the same breath in which he asked for my heart, he took it away when he firmly decided I wasn’t important to him anymore. Like most, I cannot explain the pain that still resides in the hollowness of my chest and continues to haunt me, words are inadequate and symptoms are indescribable. I simply feel nothing.
But for a brief moment I know what brokenness is. Crumbled on the ground of a 12th century castle, I wrap my arms around my chest to hold everything in.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thought on a Sunday

Sorry my Friday post was missing dear readers.... I escaped for the weekend. Fall break here at school and needless to say, boy did I need the break!
I headed down to Lexington, KY with a friend and now that I'm back I'm headed off to work for the night. Amazing how life quickly returns after a getaway. (Expect a post and pictures here soon...)

But, I'm ready for life again. I feel relaxed and hopeful. For whatever this beautiful mistakes life can throw at me.

Monday, October 6, 2008

I love it when the wonderfulness of a day can just be shattered, and then I'm the one left crying by myself as usual.

Sunday Night Football

Last night was the best football game I've watched in a long time:
Sunday Night Football Steelers vs. Jags
I was on the edge of my seat the last quarter and
the best team dominated 26-21.

I must say, I'm quite proud of my boys. Pittsburgh made my week. I know it's just a silly football game to some, but for the past three years there's been a huge rivalry between the two teams. Steelers won the first year, and that Jags followed suit, beating us twice in one year, only to knock us out of the playoffs last year on our turf.
Not to mention this season's game was in Jacksonville. Their home turf.

And did I also mention that my ex is a huge fan?

Needless to say, the best team won and for some reason, I have a little more hope in my step. It wasn't just football for me, it was kind of like a metaphor on life. The best team won and now I feel like I can walk a little bit easier. I'm more happy because, well, in a way, I feel like I've won. Life feels more beautiful and I can't wait to see what's going to happen next.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Lit Flicks Challenge

Well, I stumbled upon this great challenge the other day and even though the challenge is a month underway, I've decided to go for. It seems simple enough:
1. Challenge runs from September 1, 2008 to February 28, 2009.
2. Read 5 books/pieces of literature that have been made into movies.
3. Then watch at least 2 of the movie adaptations of the works you read.
4. Your list may change at any time and may include overlaps with other challenges.

So here are my choices.
  1. Nights in Rodanthe by Nicholas Sparks
  2. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer*
  3. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
  4. Atonement by Ian McEwan
  5. He's Just not that Into You by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo (This is a non-fiction/adice book but the film coming out in February looks amazing.) *
I'm choosing Twilight and He's Just not that Into You as my adaptations to watch, but I'll most likely view the others as well. I own Atonement as the movie adaptation, but I've never read the novel. I'd like to watch the MTV version of Wuthering Heights just to see what it's like, and I cried my eyes out last night watching Nights in Rodanthe. So in all I'll probably watch all of these if I keep them as my reading list. 5 months to go and 5 novels to read! This is a challenge I think I'll like.

Trying to figure out the weekend.

What really sucks is how it never fails on the weekends that I'm not working, all my friends leave. Come next weekend, if I decide to head away, especially since it's fall break, they'll all be here. And then the circle will just continue as the weekends progress. I'm kind of dreading this moving away after I graduate... I'm not sure how well I'll make new friends.

I just see this vision of myself as an old maid somewhere....

Boredom is really setting in.

Friday, October 3, 2008

4 Thoughts on a Friday

Friday.. .what a wonderful day. What would only make it better is if I could skip class, just run, and find a good book to read.

1. I've been blog browsing lately and I'm finding a lot of blogs dedicated to literature and book reviews and such. I just found one called The Bluestocking Society and she has a really cool challenge going on about books turned into movies. You read five books and then watch 2 or three adaptations of your choice. I'm a month behind on the challenge but I'm thinking about joining it. I need a good book to read and well, I've got a month for Christmas break this year so if I fall behind on reading (which I will because of school) I'll catch up then.

2. I also found this really interesting article today about dealing with a break-up. Actually, it's more so for a guy than a girl because guys don't ever want to read self-help books, but I found some insight in it. I know I'm a female but the advice was actually pretty good and it gave me a little bit of understanding on my current situation. I'm thinking about passing it on to a friend... The last piece of advice really hit me though. The "3 month light at the end of the tunnel" goal. I realized it'll be three months here shortly for me and I feel that's a good time to really move on. I'll give myself a few more weeks of random emotion but after that, there's no more reason too.

3. Last night was the first night I've slept well in a while. I only know this because I dreamed (one bad one, but one good one to balance) and dreaming means I've rested. I have a feeling it was because there was another heart beating in the room and that gave me comfort....I'm puppy sitting this weekend and the little guy, even if he has a tiny heart, made a difference. I usually hate small dogs but dang it, this one is cute. I'm slowly growing attached. We'll see how the rest of the weekend goes.

4. It's just another good day. The sun is shining and the morning has found me alive. That's all I can ask for.

Have a wonderful Friday everyone!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Different Concept of Fall

I don't know if it's the new hair color. Or the sun. Or the wonderfully, cool fall weather.
But I am happy.

Maybe it's just the simple fact that I'm alive and holding on and the day is beautiful.
But I feel like a new person and it's a good day.

This is quite the juxtaposition of my post from two days ago, I know, (and I swear I don't have bipolar disease, I'm just emotionally strained) but I woke up this morning realizing that I have a reason to be here,and that is simply to live in love. I have a wonderful family and even more wonderful friends. I am alive and well and yes, I'll make mistakes in my life, but no matter what people think or say, God still unfailingly loves me. And I have the chance of grace.

All I have to do is keep persevering and moving forward. I don't have to stress or worry or question, just earnestly seek.
I'm only asked to live in love.
It's really hard to grasp that very simple concept sometimes, but more often than not, it's the simple that explains everything.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Better end to a day

Obviously my life is ridiculous and in trying to find out who I am, I'm up for a lot of spontaneity. Life is mostly random idea (within moral reason) and then act on it. At this point I can't afford to go sky-diving, and I probably, really shouldn't get another tattoo... just yet... so I decided to go brunette.

No more dumb blond jokes now.

I think I'm up to step 4 or 5 in reinventing oneself.
I really like it.

Oh, and I had field trials at track practice today. I threw the javelin and I'm thinking I might have found something else I like...

A Blanket of Leaves

October 1st. I woke up this morning to the cool breeze blowing in through my screen and the sun slowly slipping in under the window shade. Fall is here and with it comes the slow dwindling of life outside. I fear it is taking my heart with it.

2 months and 11 days later. I'm alive. The morning has found me. Had you asked me that amount of time ago and I would have had no idea how I could get this far. I still don't quite understand what happened so many weeks ago, and when I think about my trip I still associate it with the break-up, but I'm slowly, very slowly, trying to get past that.

I've holed myself up in the library between classes to write and I'm sitting here staring out the window into the gorgeous day trying again to feel. I can see beauty and hold beauty (in the weight of a 7 month old, blue-eyed boy) yet I can't feel it. The only thing I still feel right now is my brokenness. I was listening to Daughtry's "Over You" on the car ride here today and I want so badly to feel that passionate about him. I know I'm moving forward and moving on, but I'm angry and bitter and having a hard time feeling everything else. It's so hard, especially in my faith, because I know God is present and He is working and moving, and the world is alive, but I just don't feel anything anymore. Not sadness, not joy, not happiness, not excitement (ok, sometimes I do feel all the good things) but sometimes I just don't feel anything. I just seem numb. I move through life thinking that the next day is going to be better, and oftentimes it is, but I'm so used to being an emot
ional person this nothingness is hard.
I know I'm moving on because I have determination and perseverance and I refuse to let him take anything, especially my future, from me. But, the old adage about a broken heart is beyond truthful. I have been shattered and I do not know how to get these pieces put back together.

I am not depressed but I am not totally happy either. I'm just in between. I'm alive but I want to feel again. I so badly want to feel again.

A blanket of leaves obscures my heart. I am unwhole.