Sunday, September 21, 2008

A moment's worth of pain.

I'm apt this evening to believe that life doesn't get any easier as we move forward. I'm pretty sure it will never get any easier but I understand I have to keep going. I actually had a wonderful weekend. I went out with some friends on Thursday, spent more time with friends on Friday, had a wonderful coffee breakfast with an old friend Saturday morning, had a date Saturday night, threw a surprise party for him, and spent this afternoon at the gun range getting out some frustrations. Then, I opened my mouth.

I've kind of been seeing a new guy, a guy I happen to really like and enjoy spending time with. He makes me laugh a lot and smile, which is something new these days. His birthday was yesterday and I decided to be the person that I am and do something nice for him. Hence, the surprise party. Ironically enough, he's kind of going through the same situation as I am, a breakup at least... (that seems to be going around these parts these days.) And suddenly I feel like I'm causing problems. Unlike him, I have the fortune of distance on my hands in that I don't ever have to see my ex again or deal with him. This guy on the other hand does. And she hates me. Nothing new in my book. I just, I hate being the one in the middle. Causing more hurt and more problems. People have enough to deal with these days, why should I add to it? So I opened my mouth and said I'd remove myself from the picture for awhile so he could work things out. I don't understand how life can be so good some days and then suddenly, there's a change and I'm back in the paused stage. As if life isn't going anywhere.
I've been so good lately... things seem to be moving forward and I feel like I can enjoy life and take so much out of it. I don't have to stop and be somebody I don't want to be. I can laugh and I can smile and I can do things. And then, I can't anymore. My try to ease hurt, to help, doesn't
feel like I did.... and so now I'm left questioning again, and wondering, and feeling like I'm never going to heal.

The range was really fun this afternoon, I have wonderful friends. I feel like I let some things go and then, I brought them back again when I opened my mouth. It hurts and day to day I know it's going to be tough but I'll make it. It's the moment by moment I'm just not sure I can handle.

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