Friday, February 27, 2009
4 Thoughts on a Friday
1. Only one more week until Spring Break, however, these next seven days are going to be the seven busiest days of my life considering I have three papers due, due award applications, and homework. But, a week of freedom will be bliss. I still have no plans (there's talk of camping, of St. Petersburg, of Ireland...not really)but I have this feeling it's going to be here at home where I plant myself and enjoy sleeping in and doing absolutely nothing. As long as I'm with friends and my love, it doesn't really matter where I am.
2. I finally saw the team doc on Tuesday and the diagnosis wasn't as bad as I thought. No amputation! :) After some rigorous testing, he concluded I just have a weak hip. The muscles seems to not want to absorb energy as well as they do on my other joint. So, I'm off running for three weeks and strength training like you wouldn't believe. The off running part isn't as bad as I thought since I'm in between indoor and outdoor seasons. It's actually the best time to be cross training right now. As for strength training, I'm working with the trainer three days a week and in the weight room the other two. Rest on weekends. So far, I've done two days and I can barely feel my legs. I am so sore, but taking the pain in hopes that this hip gets better. I'd rather have to strength train/lift the rest of my life to keep my hip functioning without pain so I can run, than to have surgery and be sidelined for the next however many years I have left.
3. There are only 70 days until I graduate from college. Yesterday I acquired my cap and gown and it's so crazy to think I'm almost done. This last year is going way to fast, part of me thinks, but I'm also excited. I'm looking forward to a nice summer break and teaching/writing in the fall. I may only have freshman but I'll be teaching college and possibly working on what may become my best selling novel. I never, ever saw that one coming.
4. Life is just good. There are so many things I could be worrying about these days, but I have a wonderful family who I care deeply for, the most amazing friends who make my life so fun and who I hold as my sisters, and someone to love and spend my days with. Love, in all of those aspects, outweighs everything else.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Catching Zzzz's
Which isn't good considering the amount of homework calling my name this weekend....
Not to mention I should probably cook dinner.
5 Thoughts on a Friday
2. I made the mistake of going to the humane society yesterday. I had a litle free time in the afternoon and so I went just to play with the puppies for a little bit. I can't help it, I've been wanting a dog ever since I moved into my apartment two years ago. Even though it's against my least, which is the main reason I haven't gotten one yet. Plus I know they are a lot of responsibility and I want to be fair to him. With me being gone all day, it just isn't fair. So... until I can handle (and afford) one, I'll live a dogless life.
3. On the other hand, I've found two (that's right, two!) roommates for next year! I'm finally not going to be living alone anymore! Not to say that I haven't enjoyed my own place, but I just think I'm at a point where I'm ready to have roommates. The best part about this, besides living with the two coolest people I know, is that it's a really nice place and will be really cheap split between us.
4. Turns out my hip problem might be worse than I thought. The trainer still isn't really sure what's wrong with it so I have to get an X-ray on Monday and see the team Doctor on Tuesday. The trainer thinks it could be a tear somewhere, or something out of place in my joint. Pretty much, it's important that we get it fixed so I can be active later in life. I don't really mind if I end up sitting out for outdoor season... what's important is that I get fixed. I don't want to be sedentary or put on restriction for the rest of my life. I've got to keep running marathons after all.
5. I got some news that rocked my world a little bit this week but things are ok. I know my post (and this) is a little criptic, but more will come later. I'm just not ready to express things yet, however, God is good and I'm starting to see how things really do happen for a reason. God's plan is so much bigger than mine and I couldn't be more thankful that he saw fit to lead my life in the direction that it is headed right now.
Have a great weekend everyone!!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
A little word vomit...
Wednesday's are plotting.
Wednesdays are just like Mondays and Fridays: I work, I go to class, I go to practice, clean-up, eat, homework, sleep; however, the one difference is I do have night class but it's poetry so I love it.
Yet, every Wednesday I have been extremely tired, stressed, either snowed in or rained on, and felt like a little something was thrown at me.
Today, it rained again. And a little more then literally, there was some figurative rain too.
I can't completely grasp it yet, I just needed to word vomit because I'm a shocked and my sorts are off.
Everyone in my life is ok, things are ok, it's just life happens sometimes and changes and you all know I'll be blogging about it sometime. So bear with me and please, please don't let the Wednesday's get to you too.
Monday, February 9, 2009
CNF Memoir
Betsy died the day my brother pulled her head off. He giggled wickedly while he dropped it and watched it roll down the slight incline on the wooden floor stopping calmly at my toes. I looked down and Betsy was smiling up at me. Four and shocked, I bent down, palmed her little ragdoll head, wound up, and threw it back at him. It bounced off his face and he started crying. I felt horrible. Not for my brother, for Betsy. She was already in immense pain from having her brain broken and here I was throwing around her head. I was probably the worst friend in the world.
Matthew, my brother, ran off to his room crying and probably going to protect Bobby, Betsy’s brother. I was more concerned about my little ragdoll friend, and if she’d ever be ok again. I walked over and crawled underneath the dining room table to retrieve Betsy’s head from the fort, where it had landed this time. I started crying because I was scared for her and whether or not she would make it through this first brain surgery she was going to have to have. I picked up her head and that little sewn on red mouth was smiling at me. She was always smiling.
* * *
I got my first Betsy from my Grandma when I turned one. Grandma and I were shopping at a craft fair, I was more than likely just tagging along, and I saw this little ragdoll with an oval shaped head, blue bonnet, and heart shaped smile that I absolutely fell in love with. She didn’t come home with me that day instead ending up as a birthday present months later. Betsy and I shared the same birthday that way.
She was special because she had a small neck and a big heart. Her head was only attached by a single string which in essence made the doll fun for my brother. He would torture me by turning her head all the way around, and occasionally pulling it off when we were fighting. I loved her because her heart was sewn onto her chest and I could tell she easily she loved me, despite all the torture from my brother. She was his friend too.
* * *
“Grandpa, is Maffew going to be ok?”
“Yes, he’s going to be fine Catie, He just has to have a little surgery where the doctor makes a tiny cut in his stomach and take his appendix out.”
“But won’t that hurt?”
“Not during the surgery, but probably after, so you’re going to have to be awful nice to him when he comes home.”
“I suppose I can do that.”
Matthew was two when his appendix ruptured and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a little boy hurt so much. As the big sister I wanted to take care of him, but at four I didn’t know how. Except for Betsy. Even though he had pulled her head off a million times and Grandma had to perform “brain surgery” to sew it back on, I still offered her to him for comfort, but he didn’t want a girly doll.
There he was laying on the couch all curled up under a blanket, face twisting in pain, little tears coming out of his eyes. I want kiss him on the cheek, but Mom said I couldn’t, I thought to myself. I know! If I can’t touch him, Betsy can!
Slithering across the carpet, trying to be as sneaky as possibly, I glance through the dining room to see Mom’s back at the sink. I had my break. Slithering some more and making it to the bottom of the couch, I slowly lift Betsy up and over the edge, laying her down beside Matt. Next thing I knew Betsy was flying at the tv!
My brother may have only been two, but he sure didn’t want a girly doll. I just wanted him to feel better.
* * *
After a few years and many brain surgeries, Betsy got really sick and couldn’t be fixed anymore. I honestly didn’t know what happened to her after she was replaced, but I could always tell the difference between my first Betsy and Betsy number 2, her heart wasn’t sewn on. It was merely painted with fabric paint. Somehow though, that didn’t matter as much to me even though that was an important part of my friend the first time around. Her smile has stayed the same, a thin red line with a heart in the middle and this time Betsy came with a brother, Bobby.
We were pretty alike, Betsy and I, except I had a little more hair than the tiny black tuft on her forehead. I could tell from the first time she laid eyes on him, Betsy loved her brother Bobby. It was a good thing Matthew got him while staying in the hospital, because if he hadn’t, I would have made him suffer with a girly doll during his recovery.
It was always the four of us from there on out. We experienced a lot of brain surgeries but Betsy and Bobby always kept Matthew and I smiling through the sad times.
* * *
The last time I was at my grandma's I went into her craft room to find my first Betsy because I had a hunch she was in there. Somehow, I knew my mother had never gotten rid of her, but I didn't think she was fixed either. Sure enough, there she was sitting on the shelf in a plastic bad to keep her from getting more worn and aged from the air. Her head sat beside her in the bag, smiling her little red smile with her heart shaped lips. I though about my brother and the skin biopsy he just had done, being the big sister and wanting to take care of him. I looked at Betsy again, in pieces but still smiling. And how Bobby, stuffed in a box somewhere, was probably smiling too.
Friday, February 6, 2009
3Thoughts on a Friday
1. Biggest news of the week--I have a jacked up hip accoring to the Athletic trainer; however, I will still be able to run at the Depauw meet tonight. About three years ago I had my hip pulled out of socket and it's kind of given me heck since then. The inside joint pops, cracks, and occaisionally catches on me, yet I still run through it. I must have a higher pain tolerence to be able to have ignored it for so long, yet I think the idea of not running hurts me more than the actual pain... which is why I haven't had it looked at. But, having been hardcore training since August, the top part of my hip (almost like the bone) has started giving me trouble and last week I finally went to the trainer because the pain was so unbearable one day. I think I've been avoiding him for fear of telling me I can't run. I cross trained most of the week, iced, and did some exercizes because there's a possiblilty I have two different problems in my joint... but yesterday I went for a 20 minute light run and for the first time in awhile where I didn't have pain while I was running. Now, it ached all day and all night, but the pain during the movement of actually running was calmed down. That was good enough for the trainer to give me the A-OK to run tonight. I'm doing the 800 again, and with all my rest I'm hoping for a PR tonight. And no pain.
2. My other news of the week thta's exciting is getting accepted in the M.A. English program here! I suppose I'm looking forward to reading and analyzing a ton more literature, but since my specialization will be in writing, I'll be doing a creative thesis instead of a ton of research. I'm slightly nervous to start grad school because I heard some of my soon-to-be classmates talking about how the undergrad program here didn't prepare them for the shift into grad school, where they are writing 20-30 page papers. I like to write, but only that much if it is creative... needless to say, I'm excited, but really nervous at the same time.
3. As usual, I thought I had more going through my head but I'm working at the gym today so the noise of the treadmills is probably rattling the words around in my brain. Guess for now this is it.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Good News
So, come fall I will be a grad student studying English with my emphasis in Creative Writing. Hello book.
And I just won myself a nice little trip to Pittsburgh.

Hating the Bard
Now I hate the Bard.
I have dreaded this class for the last three years, only because I knew it was inevitable, a requirement to graduate. So, I put it off until my last semester when I figured I would be wise and analytical and ready to take on his plays. The first few weeks have gone well, I am actually understanding what I am reading and I've enjoyed discussing things in class. HOWEVER, now that I have a paper due Thursday I cannot understand anything that I am supposed to write about. I couldn't pull my own topic out so I'm going with a prompt. But by the time I actually sit down to write at night, I'm exhausted. A day of work, class, practice, and then coming home to clean-up and cook a healthy meal. It's 8 o'clock. Who wants to write about Shakespeare that late anyway?
Not me, but I have too... I'm up to 766 words, so about 200 more from last night when I gave up. I only have to make it to 1000 but this last page is just so hard.
This, however, is my friend.