Saturday, January 17, 2009

Healing Verse

I often found myself submersing my thoughts in poetry over the last half of 2008. I've always been fond of poetry and enjoyed reading it... trying dabbling in it myself, but it always seemed my own verse was so, for better terms, lame. For every ten poems only one has had a good amount of depth, and even then that one poem needs so much revision.
The more I read verse though, the more I find in it, and the more poems I come to love. My best friend sent me this one a few days ago... she said she has had the words weaving in and out of her mind for awhile now. This is the only version of it, and just the first draft. She wrote it about me and everything I went through. I never really looked at my situations in terms of this before, but I am absolutely crazy about this metaphor now. The second poem is one I wrote in response, kind of like a companion poem. Just my immediate thoughts, a very rough draft, but something I want to work on.


The end.
And then slowly and full of grace
she rose from the
of her former life.
We held our collective breath
and watched in hopeful fascination.
Silent tears fell
drawing rivers in the ash
on her face.
But on she moved gaining speed
and confidence.
The wind cleansing her body of the
revealing colors we could never imagine.
She stretched her wings
feeling parts of herself awaken from
their induced slumber.
We see the spark in her eyes return.
Soon she is in flight.
The epitome of resilience, she
across the sky.
My phoenix has returned.

Beneath the Ashes

Troubled soul don’t lose
your way
Let your wings carve
into the sky.

Upon which direction you will
soar, let the wind
take you there.

He wrote you to say the destination has changed.
But when it is over, the rest of life has begun.

I cannot fathom what it will be like,
my path is lost, my wings cannot beat.

But the colors shine through the slips of the feathers.

The turquoise and the yellow
that cover the scarlet, painting, layering,
masking the ashen feathers that fall
so swiftly away.

It is in the quick burst of flames that all former ceases to exist.
And the new flight has begun.

1 comment:

John said...

"She wrote it about me and everything I went through."

what on earth did you go through to inspire the poem?