Friday, May 30, 2008

Thoughts on a Friday

Fridays are good days. Everyone knows that. These are just a few, very random thoughts I have. There might be 1, 5, 9...but explore and see. Share your own if you like.

1. I wrote earlier this week how I felt like summer officially started, what with Memorial Day and all. Then I realized today that summer already feels over to me. I've had a great week just relaxing and doing absolutely nothing. I even laid off running this week just to give myself a break. I woke up this morning ready to run again but talked myself out of it seeing as how today was the last day I could "sleep in." (Seven today for those of you who know I can't.) I officially start my summer classes on Monday, and though I'm ready to be done with school, it won't be summer anymore because I'll be studying Chemistry.

2. Four weeks or 28 days and 10 hours from right now, I'll be leaving for Ireland.

3. I found the cutest coffee cups the other day and I'm dying to know where they are from. One of his military buddies got married this past weekend and his (now) wife has all of her shower pictures and such posted on Facebook. (I'm not stalking her, I met her and she is the nicest, sweetest thing.) One of her gifts was this set of a brown and white coffee mugs that say "I do! Me too!" They are adorable and I must find them.

4. I hope I never get breast cancer. I know we are all going to die of something, it's inevitable, but these days it seems as if cancer is everywhere, especially breast cancer. A good family friend went through a tough year last year fighting it, but she's doing wonderful now. I know that if it ever happens to me, it's for a reason and I'll get through it. I just hope I never do.

5. The last episode of Army Wives season 1 airs Sunday night. It's a repeat but I can't wait. It was a huge cliffhanger but had some of the sweetest, most tear jerking moments, of all season. I was informed this morning by my other Army Wives addictee (she actually IS an Army Wife) that Lifetime has declared next week Army Wives week and I'm pretty sure next Saturday is a full day marathon of all 13 episodes. I have a wedding to go too so I'll miss it, but that's ok. The season comes out on DVD the 10th. The life of loving a military man. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the I do me too mugs are from hallmark, but I don't think they are in season anymore. I got them for my sister and I wanted to get them for a friend but am having trouble finding them and they are not on the hallmark website.