Happy Friday everyone!!
And what a happy day it is...
1. SUPERBOWL SUNDAY is only two days away and I cannot wait to watch the Steelers dominate the Cardinals. It's going to be an amazing game and granted we do win, I've already got some ideas for a new essay about Pittsburgh. Oh, and I'll be traveling there. :) I made a bet with the boy, actually, it was his idea because he's just bound and determined Pittsburgh is going to lose. So if by some off turn of the universe they do, I have to hang some stupid Red Wings poster in my apartment for all of eternity. But when the Steelers win on Sunday, he has to take me to Pittsburgh, dinner as some fancy restaurant there, and on a tour of Hines field, and Mellon arena. Pretty big stakes for him, I can't wait.
2. It snowed like crazy here this week, totaling about 9 inches on Wednesday. Campus closed down for the morning and evening, too bad my only class was in the afternoon!!! I really haven't had much time to play in it, but I've thrown a few snowballs. And fallen. I slipped yesterday and fell down about seven stairs. I was ok until I woke up this morning with a really stiff and sore back. Such a klutz.
3. I'm slowing finding my gray. I look at life as so black and white sometimes, that I think I set myself up for misery and failure. I guess, sometimes it's just easier to feel miserable, but I don't understand why I grasp so hard on my sad days because all I really want is happiness. And I deserve happiness, we all do. I've be looking over my writing in my journals (the things I don't post on here) and I've noticed a trend. I've been writing about my happiness. I've had many more happy days than sad, yet, I don't allow myself to be happy all the time. It's like I find reason to be sad. With that said, it's over now. It's time for happiness.
Enjoy your weekend everyone! Root for the Steelers!!
13 years ago