Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thought on a Sunday

Sorry my Friday post was missing dear readers.... I escaped for the weekend. Fall break here at school and needless to say, boy did I need the break!
I headed down to Lexington, KY with a friend and now that I'm back I'm headed off to work for the night. Amazing how life quickly returns after a getaway. (Expect a post and pictures here soon...)

But, I'm ready for life again. I feel relaxed and hopeful. For whatever this beautiful mistakes life can throw at me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahh! forgive me for my comment on your previous poast. I have been so far away from my blog and have missed a lot of things.

I hope you're doing alright... and I'll be sending prayers your way.

But would you mind if I asked a quetsion? Did your breakup have anything to do with the military? I'm just asking because I've run into some bumps in the road w/my boyfriend and it's kind of scaring me :o(
