Today is the very last day of 2008 and I'm doing something drastic.
To ring in new beginnings, I'm cleaning up my blog and deleting some posts, so in case you have the itch to peruse through my past years or so, some writings might be missing. I honestly feel it's the only way to really, really start over. I can't change the past, nor would I want too because I would not be who I am today had life not happened as it had, but I'm letting go of some memories. I've heard before that time and experiences don't always matter, it's the memories that count and I like that idea. No matter what we do, we never truly lose our memories. They may fade with time and age, and each day it may be harder to grasp onto those wonderful times, but in memory, we can relive anything we want too, no matter the age.
But today, I'm ready to let some fade in order to make room for a year of more memories.
I challenge you to find something this past year you're holding onto and let it go. Let the empty space be made whole again.
13 years ago
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