I was laying in bed last night (not sleeping as usual) and I realized it was a Friday night and I hadn't made a post. My goal is to get back into my Friday thoughts but I'm not going to beat myself up if I miss one... I'll just give it later.
Here's my thought for yesterday:
"I want a tattoo."
I've been thinking about getting a second tattoo for awhile now, but I wasn't sure what I wanted or where I wanted it. Ok, I take that back - I've been wanting something running related but I couldn't decide if I wanted it on my calf, or my ankle, or my foot, or if maybe I should just get something small and pretty on my wrist. Well, due to other people's opinions, I haven't gotten one yet because certain people kept telling me one was enough. I can't help it though, once you get one you really do get addicted to it. So, on a whim, I just decided yesterday that yes, I am going to get one. I'm trying to throw my energy into life right now because I refuse to be depressed and miss out. Instead, I'm taking it all for what it's worth and moving forward very well from this heartbreak. I had a little savings left over after my trip so, what else did I have to do yesterday but head to Eternal Ink (a Christian tattoo parlor) and get myself inked.
Now, let me say one thing about this tattoo. I got the idea in Ireland when I really started

thinking about my running, and after I noticed how my running changed after my fiance broke things off. I don't know, it's like I've found a new strength, not only in life, but in my running. God is good and for some reason, I just feel like I need to keep running. I mean, it is my passion (as evident by everything in my life), but I just feel like maybe, after all, I can use it somehow in life - whether by example, helping others to run, or even a career. So... I permanently gave myself a reminder to keep going. And it hurt like crazy!! I must be a sucker for pain because I chose my foot, already one of the most painful parts of the body to get tattooed, but, it's on the sides of my foot and wraps around the

heel. Yeah, that was the worst part. At took a little over an hour but as he kept going, I just kept thinking I can do this. I didn't notice the pain after awhile, but when I did, I realized that the pain of my tattoo and even the pain in my running (when I really push myself) hurts so much more than my broken heart. Which means, if I can persevere and endure this kind of pain, then I can take on the pain of my broken heart knowing that someday, that will heal. Tattoo pain is strong but temporary. The art, the piece itself and what it stands for is forever. A broken heart is just painful, but it too is temporary. No matter how much I'm hurting right now, it

will go away and I'll keep moving forward, one day never remembering the hurt. I might always connect this tattoo to my heartbreak, but not in the way most think. This piece is about God and running, and finding my strength in him. It's about healing.
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