Monday, September 10, 2007

God Hears

Let's say it was a beautiful day.

I ran four miles this morning in under 40 minutes... perfect pacing. It was a great run. I woke up and was out the door before the sun was even near the horizon. I love the feeling of being outside for a good span of time while the world wakes up. Time doesn't exist when I run. It just moves along to the beat of my breath and somehow passes as my footsteps rhythmically pound the concrete. The world wasn't quite full sun by the time I got back to my apartment, but it was that moment when the sky is a dusky orange and pink; when you can still see the baby blue spanning the city. The sky blushes; almost as if it's embarrassed I'm watching it wake up. Those early minutes when I start out, the world is naked and vulnerable. Nothing there but myself and the new day. We wake up together. Without it's nakedness, morning wouldn't be morning. There would be nothing new to wake up too. And I wouldn't have reason to run

School was intriguing. I learned. I loved it.

The best news of the day... the one that gives me reason to smile for the rest of my life is that he is coming home. He's on his way back to America after too many months of deployment. Praise God. I mean that... in every way. I will sound the trumpet, play the lyre, sing songs, and bow down. I'm so thankful that heand the rest of his men are safe and coming back to U.S soil. I thought this deployment was going to be very hard, and I know I'm lucky, it wasn't as long as most are. But God shoved my thoughts aside once again and showed me the beauty of his Glory. He was there in every moment. All those days the guys were out in danger. He was there. And he was here with me too. Every chance I had to talk to him, to see him online, and even on those days when I went without talking to him, or when I woke up and just felt like I couldn't face the world, I still felt him. I still felt him because God was there. He is in our love and I believe He can do amazing things with deep, faithfully rooted love.
God is love... and that love runs deep in my soul. Not just flowing in me through my heart, but deep to the core of my being. The love that makes up my soul is deeper than I'll ever be able to explain. But I feel it. It exists in me.

I have learned that no matter what crosses my path, especially when it comes to love, that I can and will get through anything. Nothing is impossible with God. And if anyone challenges me, I'll give them the same answer I've been giving for the past two years dealing with distance and the way life flows. Through all the risks, the hurt, the walls, the breaking, the future. The only way is God. And that is how I'll forever love.

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